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Pillar jib crane with a 360° angle of rotation and manual slewing KKR3

Capacity, t.
up to 16.0
Boom outreach, m.
up to 12.0
Angle of rotation, dg.
up to 360
Type of drive
Lifting height, m.
up to 36.0
Design number of full load cycles according to ISO 4301/1
A2 and above
Environmental class according to GOST 15150-69
U1 (outdoors) / U2 (under a canopy) / U3 (indoors)
The design of the crane
General-purpose industrial version / Fire-safe version / Explosion-proof version
Scope of delivery
  • boom (console) of the crane — 1 pc.
  • crane column with lower support flange — 1 pc.
  • power supply to the crane (in case of delivery of the crane with this option and the presence of any electrical equipment in the crane (for example, hoists)
  • power supply to the hoist (in case of delivery of the crane with this option)
  • other parts (the list of components depends on the configuration and set of options of the crane you ordered and may differ from the one given in this section of the site)
  • crane documentation (passport, crane operation and installation manual, passports and instructions for individual crane components manufactured at other enterprises and supplied with this crane, packing list, waybill).

The above configuration is basic and may differ significantly from the actual one. If you need complete information on this issue, please contact the nearest sales department.

List of additional options
By default, cranes are manufactured as standard. But depending on their technical characteristics and operating conditions, the plant manager may recommend supplementing the standard equipment with one or another set of options. Below is a brief description of them and the validity of the installation.

Name of the optionDescription of the option
Load capacity limiterIt is used as an additional safety device along with limit switches and a load drop protection device in case of phase breakage. It is installed, as a rule, in cases where work is carried out with different loads, the mass of which is not always known. If the weight of the load exceeds the lifting capacity of the hoist, the limiter blocks the lifting process. The option is available for cranes equipped with an electric hoist, since the limiter is mounted on the lifting mechanism of the hoist.
Carport for parking hoists when performing "On the street"They are used on cranes of the placement category U1 (on the street) to protect the electric hoist from direct precipitation. It is recommended for installation by manufacturers of cranes and hoists, since the hoists themselves usually do not provide alternative protection from precipitation.
A canopy for a hoist for the entire length of the span when performed "On the street"They are used on cranes of the placement category U1 (on the street) to protect the electric hoist from direct precipitation. It is recommended for installation by manufacturers of cranes and hoists, since the hoists themselves usually do not provide alternative protection from precipitation.
Electric limit switches for the movement of hoists along the crane boomThey are used to limit the path of the electric hoist along the crane console.
Anchor system for fixing the crane to the foundationThis option refers to the stage of installation of the structure. Anchors are needed to attach the crane to the foundation. As a rule, we offer an anchor system for implementation on a prepared foundation. On an unprepared foundation, so-called mounting studs are used.
Platform and ladder for maintenance of hoists and crane componentsWhen ordering a jib crane with a height of more than 3 meters, it is recommended to immediately provide ways of servicing the hoist, oil change and other maintenance operations. One of the options is to install a horizontal platform on the column at a human-height distance from the console and a ladder welded to the crane column leading to this platform.
Rigid removable/non-removable stops for limiting the angle of rotation of the boomRigid removable /non-removable stops for limiting the angle of rotation of the boom are used mainly for jib cranes KKR3 and KKM7 to adjust the angle of rotation of the console. They are installed on the ring that wraps around the crane column. Two rigid stops limit the angle of rotation of the boom in both directions. On wall-travelling cranes, the stops are welded to the crane boom and can provide only 1 option for the angle of rotation of the boom.


The Pillar jib crane with a 360° angle of rotation and manual slewing (KKR3) belongs to the category of manual lifting equipment, widely used in industrial warehouses, enterprises of the machine-building, chemical, metallurgical and metalworking industries, in seaports and at cargo terminals. This device is designed for lifting and moving loads of different types over a short distance. You can install a manual cantilever crane on a column in a closed production room with natural or artificial ventilation, in an open area or under a canopy. The load capacity of this device is selected by the customer in the range of up to 16.0 tons.

The "Gruzopodyem" plant has been manufacturing cantilever cranes for more than 15 years, supplying equipment with its own transport to customer's enterprises and providing installation and commissioning services.

Кран консольный стационарный ручной ККР3, особенности конструкции и эксплуатации

  • Применяется для подъема и перемещения любых грузов массой до 16,0 тонн
  • Кран состоит из колонны и закрепленной на ней стрелы
  • Стрела крана вращается вокруг своей оси на угол до 360 градусов
  • Поворот стрелы ручных кранов осуществляется посредством оттяжки
  • Механизмом подъема и перемещения груза является тельфер (таль), который крепится к стреле крана и передвигается вдоль нее. Таль может быть ручной или электрической
  • Кран монтируется на бетонный фундамент посредством опорного фланца и анкерных болтов
  • В зависимости от условий эксплуатации крана менеджер может рекомендовать к установке ряд опций
  • Преимуществом кранов консольных перед мостовыми кранами является удобство работы в условиях ограниченной рабочей зоны, легкость монтажа, отсутствие необходимости обеспечения подкрановыми путями
  • Краны консольные часто применяются для эксплуатации на улице, за пределами помещения, что увеличивает сферу их применения.

Конструкция ручного консольного крана ККР3 сравнительно проста. Основным рабочим элементом выступает вращающаяся вокруг своей оси консоль, оборудованная ручной или электрической талью с грузозахватным механизмом. Вращение ей обеспечивает ручная тяга. Для ограничения угла поворота стрелы устанавливают жесткие упоры. Они могут быть съемными и несъемными.

Завод "Грузоподъем" изготавливает консольные краны на ручной тяге ККР3 в соответствии с ТР ТС 010/2011. Возможно их общепромышленное, пожарозащищенное, взрывобезопасное и специальное исполнение, позволяющее эксплуатировать данное устройство в агрессивной среде, а также при экстремально высокой или экстремально низкой температуре. Заказать изготовление ручного консольного крана на колонне ККР3 рекомендуется с индивидуальными техническими параметрами, что сделает его полностью соответствующим тем условиям эксплуатации, в которых он будет использоваться. При разработке рабочего проекта устанавливается максимальная грузоподъемность этого устройства, длина вылета стрелы и высота подъема. Стоимость ручного консольного крана напрямую зависит от его исполнения, комплектации и технико-эксплуатационных характеристик.

Cost request
Crane design
Capacity, t.
Boom outreach, m.
Lifting height (from the floor to the hook), m.
Angle of rotation, dg.
Type of drive
Design number of full load cycles according to ISO 4301/1
Crane design
Operating temperature of the crane
GOST 15150-69 bo’yicha joylashtirish toifasi
Type of required hoist
Contact information
Company name
Additional information
Any questions?
Leave a request for a consultation with a technical specialist:
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